
The Disposable

The Grill - Athens, GA

I’ve been lugging around a disposable camera for the past few months. It is a clunky, sensitive, and altogether inconvenient way to capture life. But there is something I respect about The Disposable in our instant day and age. It delays gratification. You have no idea if a shot is majesty or travesty until weeks after you’ve taken it. In some respects, then, The Disposable paints a more accurate portrait of post-grad life than digital technology. There is a lag between cause and effect. You can’t just snap your fingers and have a job, a graduate school acceptance, a future plan. You snap the shutter 27 times, and hope that after the film is developed, perhaps one of those 27 exposures will result in a proper image.

Besides, it doesn’t break when you drop it on concrete. How very practical.


Birthday cakes and writing weights.

Snoopy’s nose knows.

We celebrated my dad’s birthday last night, and the man acted like a giddy little boy. He tore open the box of an iPad Mini and was transfixed for hours. He was, I might add, severely lacking in his ability to take selfies.

Attack of the cake gobbler? Not amused.
iPad giving and cake gobbling? Sibling Two was not amused.

In other news, I am writing my teaching initiative and personal statement to teach abroad. You would think that after writing hundreds of pages of history papers in college that I would be somewhat in touch with words. False. I am only now realizing how hard writing is when it is personal.

When I am churning out a history paper I am hundreds of years removed from my subjects. These people have come and gone, in the process leaving enough of a mark on time that I am thinking about them – indeed, losing sleep over them – 150 years later. Their deeds are done. But when I am faced with writing about myself, that comfortable barrier of time is removed. I have to concern myself with making a mark on my own time. And that thur is a little weighty, ya dig?

Georgia, U.S.A.

Autumn in Athens


Since I was out of the country last fall, the autumn colors on campus took me completely aback this year. Every day I walk to class wide-eyed, as though the more I expand the surface area of my eyeballs, the better I can remember every leaf I see.

Few things are as becoming to UGA as fall. My school is beautiful.







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